155th Sacred Harp June Singing

Jun 11, 2023 10:00 AM - Jun 11, 2023 03:00 PM

Please join us for the 155th session of the Sacred Harp June Singing

This event has its Georgia roots dating back to the 1800s when the mostly farm families would journey to communities or campgrounds and spend several days engaged in what is known as Sacred Harp or “shape note” singing, a singing system that uses four-part harmonies.  The music is written in shape notes, so each pitch is represented by a shape and a name.  Instead of “do-re-mi,” Sacred Harp uses “fa-sol-la.”  For example, “fa” is represented by a triangle, “la” by a square. Singers take turns leading the group with a simplified form of conducting.  The system was designed for common folk who did not know how to read sheet music.

Singing will begin promptly at 10:00 AM and will feature selections from the 1991 Denson Revision Song Book.  Participants will break for lunch at 12:00 PM and will resume singing at 1:00 PM, ending at 3:00 PM.  Singing will be in the City Hall Rotunda to take advantage of the incredible acoustic qualities the space provides.

Lunch will be in the form of a traditional “dinner on the ground,” a covered dish event.  Everyone who would like to partake in the lunch event is asked to bring a covered dish for everyone to share and enjoy.

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